Behold Stewardship Fund

Mission: The Fund is to provides financial security necessary for the Chapel to continue its time-honored role at the center of summer life in Sconset. Our goal is to provide excellent pastoral leadership, programs that nourish the intellect and spirit, outreach to meet Nantucket's community needs, and very importantly, the preservation and maintenance of the Chapel's historic building, columbarium, and its grounds.

Fall 2012 Update

Dear Chapel Members & Friends,

Late this summer, we announced that the Behold Campaign would end at the close of 2012.  We also announced that over $1.7 MM had been raised to insure the future of our beloved Chapel.  We would like to take this opportunity to thank the dozens of volunteers who worked on the campaign ,and the scores of generous donors who helped make it a success.

While the campaign will end in December of this year, we will still be accepting contributions to the campaign until that time.   If you haven't yet made your contribution or pledge, please consider doing so by contacting one of us at the address below.

Beginning in 2013, the Behold Stewardship Campaign will become the Behold Fund, an ongoing effort to guarantee the Chapel's vitality.  We will still be taking bequests and gifts from individuals and families to want to insure our Chapel will be here for generations to come.  Again, feel free to contact us through the information below.  

In gratitude,

Joe Hale,
Larry Guido,
Behold Stewardship Fund Co-Chairs

DONORS (as of Spring 2012)

Our heartfelt thanks and gratitude to those of you listed below who have demonstrated your love and faith in the Chapel. We apologize in advance if any donor was inadvertently omitted.

Catherine and John Saynor
Willard Foundation
Linda and Joe Hale
Samantha and Matthew
               Fremont-Smith CPC
The Boe Family
Karen and Harry Pinson
Peter O’Brien
Lucile and Bill Hays
Thomas Shannon Estate
Lynn and Mark Filipski
Mary Ann and Paul Judy
Joan and Don Porter
Elizabeth and Francis Queally
Mary and Bruce Rigdon
Gretchen and Jay Riley
Sallye Stephenson
Lynn and Bob Stroud
Lesley Blanchard
Kathryn and Chip Cruice
Barbara Dearborn
Barbara and Jim Duffy
Marilyn and Ken Farhman
Jane and Larry Guido
Patty and Jeff Haines
Sarah and Winston Hindle
Julia and Bill Hobart
Carol Lathrop
Donna and Jeff Lockhart
Jennifer and Myers Mermel
Ellie Allen
Lou and Dan Bixler
Weedie and Roger Block
Virginia Chambers
Sue and Barry Cooper
Leslie Cookenboo
Maureen Mahoney and Bill Crispin
Sheila Daume
Helen and Ray DuBois
Marianne and Bob Felch
June and John Foster
Cynthia Fowler
Jessica and Drew Guff
Dee and Jimmy Haslam
Mary Heller
Ann and George Hubbs
Carol and Kenneth Kinsley
Martha Dippell and Daniel Korangold
Susan and Paul Lancaster
Nancy and Bob Longley
Gay and Charlie Lord
Carol and Richard Lowry
Pam and Rich Merriman
Betsy Michel
Mary Warren Moffett
Marcia and Doug Moran
Linda and Richard Mackay
Marilee and Bill Matteson
Mary McAuliffe
Laura and Ralph Mueller
Morgan Murray
Shelley and C.O.North
Helen and John Ong
Linday Paull
Kathleen and Jim Poole

Cynthia Powell
Nancy and Peter Rodts
Barbara and Jim Runde
Daisy and Paul Soros
Kitty and Bill Sperry
Alix and David St. Clair
Maxine and Arnie Teasdale
Amy and Mark Tercek
Karen Urban
Elinor and Jim Vaughter
Mimi Young
Ann and John Gibb
Willington Trust
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Tevebaugh
Ann-Charlotte Krantz and family
Siasconset Civic Association
Barbara and Thomas Bispham
Paige and William Canfield
Carol and Bernie Coffin
Bobbie and Ben Jesser
Daphne and John McCarthy
Deborah and Kip Martin
Deborah and John Osborn
Maria and Roderick Peacock
Claire and Phillip Raneri
Sherry Lourie
Elizabeth and Frederick Singer
Jane Todd
Marcia and Joe Welch
Joanne and Derby Wilson
Eugene Yeates
Marcella and Rhoads Zimmerman
John Herndon
Mary Louise and Malcolm Perry
Prudence Bell
Caroline O’Connell
Ruth and Edmund Swanberg
Ann Morton
Cherie and Richard Duncan
Patty Gibian
Eleanor Dickson
William Adamson
Barbara Nowak
Nancy Pasley
David and Elizabeth Bentley
Anne and John Carter
Elizabeth Cook
David Cronin
Christopher De Velde
Helen and Ray DuBois
Matthew and Samantha Freemont-Smith
Mary Louise and Henry Gailliot
Rodney and Keith Goldstein
Hannah Gretz
Krantz Family Trust
Karen and Michael Lynch
Margaret & Larry McQuade
Jean and David Nathan
Steven and Eleanor Roethke
Priscilla and Kermit Roosevelt
Nancy Shaw
Thomas and Joan Holmes Foundation
Susan Vandenberg
Mr. and Mrs. Scott Whitlock